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“1 Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 When the foolish women took their lamps, they took no oil with them; 4 but the wise took oil in vessels with their lamps. 5 As the bridegroom delayed, they all fell asleep and fell asleep. 6 In the middle of the night they cried out, “Here is the bridegroom; go and meet him!” » Matthew:25:1-6.

The God creator of the heavens, the earth and everything therein, whose Name is JESUS CHRIST the Almighty God of The Holy Bible; from Genesis to Revelation, through the four Gospels, announced the coming of His servants the Prophets. He (the God of the holy bible) has indicated the verses speaking of these; that is, their biblical identities (the verses that indicate their ministry in the Bible).

Here are some examples:
We will begin with the case of JESUS CHRIST himself for his first coming to earth: Gen. 3:1; Det. 18:15, Isa. 7:14, 9:5, 53:1-3, Mic. 5:1, Matt. 1:18-25.
There is the case of JOHN-BAPTIST: Es. 40:3; Wrong. 4:6; Luke 1:12-17.
Let's see that of PAUL: Es. 60:1-3; Acts 9:15.

There is also the case of the seven messengers of the seven church ages and today for our time, the Laodicean age; for the second coming of CHRIST for the revival of his church, the ten rods, then for the Rapture of his bride (the five wise virgins among the ten): The biblical identity given by the Scriptures is very precise: He refers to: Matthew 25:1-6; John 6:40, and part of Revelation 10:1-7, hence the MINISTRY OF THE MIDNIGHT VOICE is about Us. And this, after Malachi 4:5-6 who is the seventh Messenger had departed.

In view of what is written in the Holy Bible, and for what follows concerning the announcement and the physical birth of the MINISTRY OF THE MIDNIGHT VOICE, certain parts of the story will shock you or give you cold sweats; but, know that the God of the Holy Bible, being Sovereign, uses whoever he wants, as he sees fit, without taking into account the latter's behavior or social rank, to carry out his work.

These men are self-chosen before they are born, and have always had shocking physical behavior; leading a life and existence contrary to normal. THEY (these men) were the object of scandal, of contradiction, of stumbling, of falling for some and rising for others, as we can read in the Holy Bible:
Case of Abraham, who lied to King Abimelech about his wife Sarah: Gn. 20: 1-18.

We also have the following cases:

Jacob, who stole the blessing of his brother (Esau) by disguising himself like him; he also took her birthright at the price of a plate of lentils.
Samson, a man filled with the power of the SPIRIT of CHRIST, and having unprecedented, barbaric physical strength; he burned the field of the Philistines because of the latter's bad treatment towards him concerning his wife; victorious over the Philistine army with the jaw of a donkey.
David and his son Solomon, one of whom married five hundred wives and the other one married a thousand wives. We can cite Peter, who cut off the ears of a man during the arrest of JESUS, without counting Saul of Tarsus, who became Paul, barbarian and killer of Disciples of JESUS THE CHRIST.
The cases, as we have just cited, are numerous in the Holy Bible, but we will focus on those cited above.
This is why, let us not be surprised by the behavior and especially the life of the one who is THE VOICE OF MIDNIGHT, the one in whom CHRIST was incarnated today for our time.


After I received the commission to awaken the message of GOD which is on the earth, the GOD of the Holy Bible taught me every day and wherever I was and at any time.
I had bought a large notebook (practical work) to write down all the verses that God cited to me each time HE gave me the different messages; every day and at any time, the messages came to me and the concordant verses were quoted to me.
My friends Yao Kouassi Vitaurien, Konan Lambert and a girl we called Poupée were often frightened and at the same time happy when I told them: HE is coming; HE still speaks to me, and they were responsible for writing down everything that was quoted and said to me. They are still alive; they are all young people, aged thirty for the girl and forty for the boys.

This BEING spoke to me wherever and whenever I wanted.

I tried to flee GOD in my own way and it was only later that I knew through the Holy Bible and through the precious Message of brother and Prophet Branham, that Prophet Jonah wanted to flee GOD too.< br>
Why was I running away from God?

This BEING who spoke to me, came at any time, in any place without taking into account those who were with me.
At that time, I was straightening women's hair at the small market in the GONFREVILLE-VILLE district of Bouaké in Ivory Coast, some of my comrades had started to think I was crazy, others made fun of me, but not the three friends mentioned above; they, on the contrary, were amazed by the coming of this voice. I was fleeing mainly for two major reasons.

Here it is:

The first: His coming tired me, because I was the only one to hear His voice, I often saw things that others could not see and this often made me ridiculous in the eyes of certain friends, because for them, I said things insane, impossible to achieve.

Here are some examples: Insane things according to some of my comrades:

- 01: The death of President MOBUTU SESSESSEKO of exiled Zaire.
- 02: The sudden death of President CHANI ABACHA of NIGERIA.
- 03: The attack on a country called AFGHANISTAN by AMERICA…
- 04: The destruction of the American twin towers
- 05: And worse, even more senseless for some of my comrades:

- THE DEPARTURE of HENRI KONAN BEDIE from power before the year 2000 zero-zero.
- Who would have believed in a coup d'état against BEDIE and in CÔTE D'IVOIRE at that time?
- 06: The height: The seven-year war in IVORY COAST.

The second reason was:
The fatigue of the human body, the fire that burned in my heart and above all the nervousness I had towards organized religions calling themselves Christian, the terrible zeal...

How did I escape this BEING who spoke to me very frequently?

I was running away by practicing what he had accused me of, what he had told me that if I stopped, I would not die in the next two years: in 1999.
I got drunk, got drunk on purpose, yes I say well and very well on purpose and the GOD of heaven is witness to it; as well as some of my comrades and especially my three best friends mentioned above. Hold on tight, and it is this fact that will cause many to become afraid, because before this we thought, and according to organized religions calling themselves Christian, that GOD did not speak to drunkards, to drinkers...< br> I got drunk on purpose, I got very drunk on purpose, but that never stopped this BEING from coming to talk to me. On the contrary, when HE came, all my drunken state disappeared and I became more lucid than before; and when HE finished with me, this drunken state returned all the more, it happened several times that I no longer knew which path I used to escape this BEING.
In addition, I purposely slept with women who were not mine sometimes to chase away THAT VOICE, but it was wasted effort.
I said to myself, since HE is not afraid of drinking, HE will not come and talk to me when I am with a woman; I guess you understand what I mean by that!
But he always came and remember, when he came, I left my state of a man with a woman, do you understand?
And I don't know, but I covered myself right away, often I went out to find my three scribes.
In any case, as a human being, I tried everything possible to flee GOD, but nothing worked.
There are also plenty of witnesses to this fugitive behavior on my part.
During all this time, the church did not exist yet or earlier, I was not seeking to open a prayer meeting.
I was simply talking to the women who came to have their hair straightened at my place.
Besides, it was “this little preaching”, if you can call it that, which allowed me to meet Konan Yao Lambert.
His big brother's wife, being one of my best clients, reported to him my comments concerning organized religions calling themselves CHRISTIAN, and he, wanting to demonstrate to his sister-in-law that she was dealing with a false prophet, came with her one day to confrontation in my workplace.
I would like to point out in passing that my workplace was never empty because my products did not burn the scalp or break women's hair.
It was after our confrontation that he immediately decided to walk with me and he took me to his friends in the neighborhood, they were almost neighbors: Yao Kouassi Vitaurien and Poupée.
Brothers and sisters, dear readers, I tell you the pure truth and I understand today why this BEING spoke to me most often when I was with people: It was so that they could finally be witnesses that one cannot take these things lightly and believe that I have copied someone else's story.
At a certain point in the beginning of this story, this BEING spoke frequently and especially when I was with many people, sometimes with strangers.

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