Document sans titre

Our identity

The Bible is the word of the God of the Holy Bible, it is the truth; in it (the Bible) there is not one bit of falsehood (1 Jn. 1:5-6). Know that the whole Bible must be fulfilled, all the verses of the Bible must be fulfilled (Matt. 5:18, 6:9-10). The God of the Holy Bible, in ages past; spoke to our fathers by the prophets and in the last times spoke to us by the Son. The son, during his first coming, was preceded by the Prophet JOHN-BAPTIST; who had the spirit of ELIJAH and the power (Luke 1:12-17). And John's role according to the holy scriptures was to bring the hearts of the fathers back to the children. Hence the fulfillment of a portion of Malachi 4:5-6. Notice one thing; in Luke 4:19, Jesus Christ announces and fulfills part of the prophecy made by the Prophet ISAIAH in Isa. 61:2.

He (Jesus Christ) proclaims the year of the Lord's favor and says nothing about the day of vengeance of the Lord. Thus a portion of each prophecy of the two Prophets (ESAIA and MALACHIA) was fulfilled; these are: “to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children (Mal 4: 5-6) and To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor (Isa. 61: 2)”. So the question is: What about the other two portions? “The hearts of children unto their fathers (Mal 4:5-6) and the day of vengeance (Isa. 61:2)” before the second coming of Jesus Christ for the rapture of his bride. Jesus Christ after his death and resurrection hands over the key to the kingdom of heaven to the apostles. These are our fathers in the faith and our belief is based on their doctrine; it must be the same for every Christian; hence the hearts of the children towards the fathers who are the apostles.

We are the Church of Yopougon Toits-Rouges, based in Abidjan in Ivory Coast. Why this name? Here are the biblical reasons.

In the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, the Church as indicated in the verses below, is not the physical house built by human beings, but it is the human being Heb. 3:6; 1Cor.3:16-17; 1Cor.6:19; Eph. 2: 22. The name Church must be accompanied by the name of the city, district, village, country where it is located. Thus we have in the Bible: Church of Samaria, Church of Judea, Jerusalem, Rome, Ephesus, Corinth, Thiatyra, Laodicea, and for us today, at this time: Church of Yopougon Roofs- Red, men and women who believe and who have accepted the entire Bible without adding, without subtracting and sitting in the doctrine of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ being the cornerstone; and who meet in Yopougon in the Toits-Rouges district, (whose place of prayer is in Yopougon Toits-Rouges).

Jesus the Christ said in Matt. 16:17-18 “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.” He did not say I will build churches, your churches, their churches, but my church, one and only church having in it his thoughts (of Jesus Christ, the God of the Holy Bible), his word, his feelings and especially its 1 horn language. 1:10. Therefore, you will never see in the Bible the name “Church” accompanied by a denominational name; and no biblical passage can demonstrate the contrary. As we cited above, we can read in the Bible: Church of Samaria, Church of Judea, Jerusalem, Rome etc.


We are, as far as our real identity is concerned, the MINISTRY OF MATTHEW 25:1-6: THE VOICE OF MIDNIGHT.
- We are also John 6:40, Revelation 12:1-2, part of Revelation 10:1-7.
- We believe in Zechariah 14:7; Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation 1:11.
- We run with Galatians 1:6-9.
- We are sitting on Ephesian 2:19-20.
- We manifest the whole Bible without adding, without subtracting.
- Our law is love
- Our book is the Holy Bible but the revealed Holy Bible and the whole Earth is our parish.
- Work is our objectivity. Wherever we find ourselves, there we assemble. The name Church is accompanied by the name of this place.


We know that according to Prophecy, God should send seven messengers who are the seven angels of the seven Churches of Revelation 1:11 and these seven messengers came and completed their work (mission).

The Seventh Messenger, who is the last, has completed his work, but the Bride of the Living God Jesus Christ, the Word Made Flesh, is still on earth.

God, after having sent his seven messengers, must himself come and get his Bride, since he is the Bridegroom. Because in a marriage, it is the bridegroom who goes to the bride to take her and enter the wedding hall with her, it is not the bridegroom's friend who does it, nor the brother of the husband, nor the cousin, nor the son. These, that is to say the cousin, the friend, the brother and the son of the bridegroom, have the role of preparing the wife for the bridegroom. The seventh messenger, a man powerful in word and deeds, had the role of preparing the Bride; a Bride without spot or wrinkle, without human thoughts, therefore a Church without human thoughts, sitting nothing but the Bible with the doctrine of the apostles and prophets Eph. 2:19.

The seventh messenger having departed, the Bride, waiting for the Bridegroom, fell asleep. In the depths of his sleep, in the middle of the night; a cry was heard: “Wake up, the Bridegroom is coming.” It is the awakening cry of the ten virgins of Mat 25:1-6 by the voice that thundered in the middle of the night.


We know that the seven messengers have gone and we also know that the Bible does not tell us of an eighth messenger of the God of the Holy Bible; on the contrary, it says that if there is an eighth messenger, he goes to perdition. So we can understand that the time of the prophets is over. What we see from the Bible is that the bridegroom is still on earth. So is this voice the bridegroom or a new messenger of the bridegroom? The Bible tells us that God would send seven messengers and only the Father knows the time of the bride's kidnapping. The Father, the Bridegroom, it is he who will come to get his bride by incarnating in a new body to confirm his second coming. Then this voice is none other than Christ in a new body for the rapture of his bride to return with her to the wedding hall. And we Church of Yopougon Toits-Rouges, we are this voice for the awakening of the ten virgins and for the rapture of the five Wise Virgins of Mat 25: 1-6. For us, this voice (Christ) chose the body ZAKPA DADIE ETIENNE Spiritual guide of the Church of Yopougon Toit Rouge. It is he who is the voice for the awakening of the ten sleeping virgins and the rapture of the five Wise Virgins.

May the God of the Holy Bible bless his sons and daughters.

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