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“Then the kingdom of heaven will be made like ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were prudent, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them; but the prudent took oil in their vessels with their lamps. Now the bridegroom delayed, they all dozed off and fell asleep.
But in the middle of the night there came a cry: Here is the bridegroom; go out to meet him » MATTHEW 25: 1 – 6.


We are in the time, in the church age of LAODICEA, which is a prophetic time according to the holy scriptures. The age of LAODICEE is the seventh and last age Ap. 1:11. And GOD, according to his Word, sent his seven messengers, the seventh of whom was that of LAODICEA, who was a man mighty in word and in deeds. We know that after the seventh there will be no more messengers; not even an eighth, but, after the seven messengers he sent to prepare his bride; GOD himself comes to seek his bride, by incarnating himself in a body in order to accomplish his second coming; before the day of his vengeance. The Bible which is the word of GOD, and which is GOD Himself in written form, does not lie and has never changed (2Pet.1:20-21;No.23:19;Heb.13:8) ; it reveals to us that GOD always speaks in the same way, and through men he chooses himself.

GOD chooses them without taking into account not only their opinions; but also their physical behavior. Knowing therefore everything before his existence, he knows the behavior that the one he sends must have. Thus in accordance with his word, GOD entrusts him with a particular mission.

This is why after verification, relying on the Bible; we accept brother Zakpa as the envoy of God, for a particular ministry, that of the awakening of the ten sleeping virgins after the departure of the seventh messenger; in order to bring the bride of the living God (the five wise virgins) into the wedding hall for marriage.

God, concerning his second coming for the rapture of his bride, after the sending of the seven messengers, will not send anyone; but he himself comes to get his wife. The Lord JESUS said:

“But of that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, except my father only.” So the Son of Man for his second coming does not come as a reformer, not even as a prophet (a seer) but rather as one above the prophet, God himself in a human body the word made flesh.


Indeed, in Bouaké between the Gonfréville district and the Niankoukro district under a large baobab, on the night of February 26 to 27, 1997 at twenty minutes past midnight; on the way home from the prayer vigil of a denominational church called Holly-fire after accompanying a married woman with a child on her back; a voice was heard from the sky above the baobab tree, saying:

“Zakpa Dadié Etienne, if you don’t change your life, you will die in the next two years. But, if you change your life, I will make you my zealous worker to awaken my message which is on earth.”

ZAKPA DADIE ETIENNE God made flesh to confirm his second coming, like the first in the body JESUS.

For Brother Zakpa Dadié Etienne, only the Bible can enlighten us in Christianity, it must be the absolute for every Christian. As it is written, every man is a liar, only Christ says and is the truth, so he also says not to trust in our pastors, prophets, priests, nor even in the churches, but to trust and have looks in the Bible, just in the Bible.

Born on December 27, 1976 at the Divo maternity ward at 11 a.m., Ivorian and originally from a town in the southwest of Ivory Coast called Lakota . On the night of February 26 to 27, 1997 at midnight, he received the message preached by revelation. We therefore invite you to read and verify all his preachings.

May the God of the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh bless you.

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